February ye 18th: 1745/6
Then the Selectmen mett and appointed a Town meeting
to be at the meeting House on the first monday of march
at Ten of the Clock in the forenoon to Consider and Conclude
on the following articles (viz)
1 |
To Chuse Town officers for the year Ensuing
2 |
To see if the town will agree to have a Reading and a
writeing School this present year and also to see what
money the Town will Raise to support the same and also
to see when the town will Begin said school and also to see
what method the town will take that every part of the
town shall have their proportion thereof
3 |
To see if the Town will Give those parsons Libberty
to work out their Highway Rates this present year
that are Behind the two years past
4 |
To see if the Town will agree to Give to Timothy
Farrar the pew Ground under the womens stairs in
Case he finish it up Decently
5 |
To see if the town will agree to Let mr George
Robbins have a way Laid out from his House to the
meeting House
6 |
To see if the Town will Except of a Bridle way
laid out by the Select men to Accomodate John Law
from his own Land Through Land of mr John Brooks
to mr prescotts and shall be made to appear by
Return of said way at the meeting
7 |
To see if the Town will agree to Give mr Samuel
prescot and Mr Amos prescot Libberty to work out
their Highway work upon their own Land
8 |
To see if the Town will Give Deacon Joseph Fletcher
and mr Josiah Hayward libberty to Build a Horse
Stable upon the Towns Land near the meeting House
9 |
To see if the Town will agree to Let the Swine
Run at Large this present year and the same
was Commited to the Constables
March ye 3rd: 1745/6
At a general Town meeting at the meeting House it
Being Legally warned as appeared by the Returns of the
Constables on their warrants Deacon Joseph Fletcher
was Chosen moderator for said meeting and proceeded
on the first article to Chuse Town officers Jonathan
Hosmer was Chosen Town Clerk and Select man and
Mr david Brooks was Chosen Constable for the South
west part of the Town and mr Mark White was Chosen
Constable for the northeast part of said town and Mr Samuel davis
was Chosen the Second Select man and Mr John Davis Jur [jr] was
Chosen the third Select man and the Select men was Chosen
assessers and Mr Jonathan Billing was Chosen Town
Treasurer and mr John Barker was Chosen Sealer of weights
and measurers and Ens mark White / Mr Phinehas osgood
Mr Samuel Hayward Mr Samuel Jones Mr Thomas Law
and Mr John Heald Jur [jr] was Chosen Surveyers of High