Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 061

1745/6 March 3
Town Meeting (continued from previous page)
1746 May 14 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for May 20 Town meeting

1746 61
And Mr Jonathan Wheeler and mr John Davis Jur [jr] was Chosen Dear [deer] Reaves and mr Joseph Wheeler and mr David Lamson was Chosen fence veiwers and mr Benjamin Lamson and and mr Joseph Farr and mr Josiah piper was Chosen hog Reaves al which was sworn into their Respective offices as the Law directs
2 on the Second article it was propounded whether the Town will have a Reading and a writing School this present year voted on the affirmative and also propounded Whether the Town will raise Twenty five pounds old tenor for to Support Said School voted on the affirmative then it ws propounded whether the Town will Begin said School by the first of october next voted on the affirmative and then it was propounded whether the Select men shall proportion the Town according to their pay relating to said school voted on the affirmative
3 propounded whether those parsons that are behind in their High way rates the two years past shall have Libberty to work out the same this present year voted on the affirmative
4 it ws propounded whether the Town will Give to Timothy Farrar the pew Ground under the Womens Stairs voted in the Negative
5 propounded whether the Town will Let mr George Robbins have a way Laid out from his House to the meeting House voted on the affirmative
6 propounded whether the Town will Except of a bridle way Laid out for to accomodate mr John Law from his own Land through Land of mr John Brookses voted on the Negative
7 propounded Whether the Town will Give mr Samuel Prescot and Mr amos Prescot Libberty to work out their High way work on their own Land voted on the Negative
8 propounded whether the Town will agree to Lett the Swine Run at Large this present year voted on the affirmative and then the meeting was Dismist

May ye 14: 1746
Then the Selectmen met and appointed a town meeting to be at the meeting House in Said town on Tuesday ye twentyeth Day of this instant may at two of the Clock in the afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles (viz)
1 To see if the town will agree to Send a Representative this present year
2 To see how much the Town will add to the Revd mr John Swifts Salary to make it good according to agreement this present year
3 To see what mony the town will Raise to Defray necessary Charge that Shall arise within the same this present year

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