File/page number: 102
1752 May 6 | Selectmen's meeting |
May ye 6: 1752 Then the Select men met and appointed a Town meeting to be at the meeting House on Monday the Eighteenth Day of this Instant may at Two of the Clock in the afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles (viz) |
1 | To See if the Town will Choose a Representative |
2 | To See what the Town will add to the Rev mr
John Swifts Salary this present year: and also to
See what the town will add to mr Swifts Salary the
two years that the Town is not Discharged: for or to
See if the Town will agree to Choose a Committe to
See what mr Swifts Salary should have Been –
according to Contract the two years the Town is
Not Discharged for |
3 | To Hear the Report of the Committe that was
Chosen to adjust accounts with the Town Treasurer |
4 | To See How much money the Town will Raise
to Defrey the Necessary Charges that Shall arise
within the Same this present year |
5 | To See if the Town will agree to have a Reading and a Writing School this present year and also to See how much money the Town will Raise to Support Said School and also to see how many parts the Select men Shall devide the Town into |
6 | To See if the Town will agree to work at the
High ways by a Rate this present year: and also to
See How much money the Town will Raise for the
High ways and Likewise pass any other vote that
may be Thought proper when met Relating to
that affair |
7 | To See if the Town will Choose a Constable in the
Room of mr Ebenezer Davies who does not
Incline to Serve and the Same was Committed
To the Constables