and then it was propounded whether that people shall
have four shillings a day for a pair of oxen and one
shilling and six pence for a Cart old tenor voted
on the affirmative
8 |
propounded whether the Town will Give Mr Hezekiah
Wheeler and Mr Samuel Hayward and Mr Ezekiel
Davis Liberty to Build a Horse Stable on the towns
Land near the meeting House voted on the affirmative
9 |
propounded whether that Mr Jonathan Billing and
Mr Andrew Darby and Mr Daniel Fletcher be a
Committe to adjust accounts with the Committee
that was Chosen to finish the inside of the
meeting House voted on the affirmative and then the
meeting was Dismist
Acton November ye 3: 1747
Taken up an proceeded with as strays by Amos Prescott
of Acton Three young Cattle one a Red heifer supposed
to be Comming on four years old with a white face and tail
and some white on her Back and white Belly and her
hind feet white and some white on her fore Legs Branded
on her Near Horn with the Letters T G and an old
Brand on the off horn worn out The others Two Steers
Supposed to be comming in two years old one a Black one
with some white on his face and by his mouth and belly
and Some white on his tail and some on the Inside of
Each Cambril and the top of the Near Ear Cutt off and a
Slitt on the under side and a half penny Cut out of the
under side of the off Ear the other a brown one and
hath no artificial mark
March ye 1: 1748
To and order to Ens Mark White for Twenty
nine pounds Eight Shillings old tenor for subsisting
the widow Brabrook from the first day of December
1746 until this Day the whole of his Demands
March ye 1: 1748
To an order to Jonathan Hosmer for seven pounds fifteen
Shillings old tenor for time and money spent on the
Towns Service in year 1747
the whole of his Demands